RAF Crash Sites 1942 – 1945


147 comments on “RAF Crash Sites 1942 – 1945
  1. Joe Lilley says:

    A Blackburn Botha Mk1 crashed 1.5 miles North of Hooton Park Cheshire. Registration No L6290.
    2 Killed Including Russell Charles Denny from Western Australia. Plane stalled on approach.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Joe, this is not one I have documented. Was Flight Sergeant Denny a relative?

      • Joe Lilley says:

        I went home to UK after 35 years in Australia and noted a grave site at St Pauls Church Hooton.
        I have traced the family of Russell Denny and sad to say he was one of two that were lost out of a crew of 4. Three months after his crash the plane was withdrawn from service. I have met family members and still search for information. Flt Sgt Denny was the only son in the family with 3 sisters still surviving out of 4.
        I was in the ATC at Hooton Park which was our private playground as kids. We often played in the Spitfire that was left in one of the hangars at Hooton.

        • Ian D B says:

          Thanks for adding that Joe. I feel inspired now to visit the crash site and add it to these pages.

          Great memories of playing in the Spitfire at Hooton. I’d have loved that as a kid. I’d love it now, in fact.


        • Chris says:

          Hi can anyone give me information on Russell Charles Denny ?

      • James says:

        Looking for information for a crashed plane in the area of stocking farm mowacre hill Beaumont leys, in Leicester, what I have to go on is that it was a Wellington with American crew around about April 1942 there’s always been rumours of a crash but no evidence I’ve seen, hoping to share the details with a local site to put rumours to rest, any help be appreciated thanks

        • Ian D B says:

          Will have a look at what I have and let you know if I find anything James. If I can’t, maybe someone else can shed light on it?


        • Matt Naylor says:

          It was a Canadian pilot
          (Donald something)
          Who’s remains and war commissions grave is at Wymeswold cemetery
          I researched this years ago.
          I will try and find all the info and post it later
          It crashed in the area that is Woodstock
          school Now.
          My Nans house Was on Halifax drive And she always talked about how close it got and she could see the pilot who managed to lift it over the houses to crash in the fields behind.

          • Mark mckenzie says:

            Any chance this could have been a Spitfire with a Canadian pilot who crashed near combe, Woodstock? If so I know some one who has pieces of the plane.

          • Mark mckenzie says:

            Do you have a full name?

          • Carl Clayton says:

            Hi Matt,
            Is there any chance that you could send me any info you may have on this crash please? I was born on Stocking Farm and there were always rumours of this around.

          • Eddie cooper says:

            it was a Wellington that crashed near where Blenheim Ave is today on easter Sunday 1943 I have a newspaper report from a witness giving details of the fateful day after the war and an RAF report on the crash it
            was on a cross-country flight

          • Carl Clayton says:

            Hi Eddie,

            Thank you so much for posting information on the Wellington Bomber which crashed on Easter Sunday 1943 at what is now Blenhiem Way, Stocking Farm Leicester.
            You mention that the site is now Woodstock School. I grew up on the Stocking Farm Estate and went to Woodstock School.
            There were always rumors of an aircraft crashing during the war and it wasn’t until later years that I found out that this was indeed the case.
            I would be most interested to see a copy of your newspaper cutting and the RAF report if that were possible please?
            If you please email me any details of how I could contact you I would be most grateful.
            Thank you.

            Kind regards

            Carl Clayton

    • Michael Seddon says:

      Halifax Bomber MKII crashed in isle of Harris on 9th April 1945 …i can find no record of this on any site ….please advise

      • Roger says:

        Yorkshire Air Museum picked up the rear fuselage from here.
        It was being used as a hen house.
        It is part of the only complete Halifax Mk3.

        • MargaretAlston says:

          I published my husband’s time in the RAF ground crew during WW2. It is titled I Join The Fray. People who have read it found it quite amusing.
          Would you like a free copy.

          Margaret Alston

  2. Donnie Stewart says:

    You might find a couple of pieces I have put on YouTube/Lossie History of interest. They are eye-witness accounts of two crashes I witnessed. One was Aug 1St 1039, the other in 1944.

    I seem to remember that there were about 370 men lost in crashes from RAF Lossie

  3. Colin Mackay says:

    Does anybody have any details of Halifax DK 192 that crashed at Garrowby Hill on 7th Feb 1944

  4. Terry Rafter says:

    Hi everyone. I’m Terry Rafter from Australia. My uncle (SHC Thrower) was killed 16/11/1943 when “Wellington Mk 1c, DV918, from 21 Operational Training Unit took off from RAF Enstone at 2010 to carry out a training exercise. The aircraft crashed ten minutes later in the circuit of Enstone airfield, at Hookerswell Farm on south-east side of Little Tew”. I was wondering by any chance does anyone know of any photographs (old or new) of the crash site/remains? Kind regards, Terry

  5. John Hugh says:

    I’ve been asked to find the site where Lancaster ED835 crashed in May 1943 when returning, badly damaged, from a combat mission. It is supposed to be on a farm in the area of Hotham and North Cave in Yorkshire. Any info gratefully received.

  6. Mick Wright says:

    Hi. This is the first time I have visited this site. Fantastic. What great work being done here. Wondered if anyone has any info on a crash that occurred on 27/08/1944 one mile n/w of Stowmarket in which my wife’s father was killed. He was the flight engineer.

    • Ian D B says:

      Thanks for your visit and comment Mike. I will take a look but it’s not my neck of the woods really. But if I find anything I will let you know.

    • Ian Humphries says:

      Hi Mick this would be William Hughes from Ticknall? Doing a short piece on one of my facebook groups. Not come across any photos of him yet. Also looking into the other two RAf men buried at Ticknall and both were training accident victims.

      • williaam hughes says:

        Im not the William Hughes from Ticknall hes an imposter pinched my ID.

        Looked at the 1944 Chorley bible there is no record of an air crash near Stowmarket on 27/8/44 nor a few days either side of 27th.

        Without sounding sarcastic a name and possible sqn would be helpful. Bill

  7. Hi there. Martin here. Does anyone know of the crash site of my uncle. I think he crashed in chorley . Cheshire. While he was traning another pilot. His name is flight sergent robert sidney brothwell raf 1238487. Hope you can help.

  8. Jonathan D'Hooghe says:

    Can anyone tell me anything about a crew of 4 all killed and buried in a civilian cemetery Aadum, Denmark. Date of crash/deaths is 29 April 1943. Crew were, Hailey, Sindrey, Barton and Surtees all RAFVR 218 (Gold Coast) Sdn. What were they doing? Any news appreciated.

    • David says:

      Hi Jonathan,
      On the 28/29th April 1943 was a hugh 207 aircraft force on a ” gardening radish” mine laying
      operation and because of low cloud base forced the aircraft to fly very low over the German and
      Danish coasts.. total of 22 aircraft were lost… thats all i know ..

  9. Pat Ladd says:

    Does anyone have info on the crash of an Albemarle in the fields just below the Westbury White Horse in Wiltshire. The Albemarle/Waco combi took off from Keevil. I saw the crash which was caused by the Waco on tow getting out of position and pulling the tail of the tug to starboard. The result was that the Albemarles port wing stalled and she dived vertically into the ground. I remember being interviewed by an RAF Officer who was interested that the Albemarle cast off the tow rope before falling out of the sky, thus saving the Waco. Had the glider still been attached the sudden dive/spin of the tug would have broken the Waco in half.

  10. Geoff says:

    Researchers in Germany are investigating the loss of RAF Lancaster PB209, 156 Pathfinder Squad. on 13 Aug 44 near Wasserliesch, SW of Trier. We have no photo of this aircraft and would very much appreciate any input. Numerous aircraft parts have been recovered by metal detection and some witnesses have come forward. I am a relation of a crew member located in Australia.

    • David Franklin says:

      Hi Geoff, have you seen this? This is the pilot who shot down PB209.


      cheers, David

      • Geoff says:

        Yes, thanks David. Schnaufer survived the War, took over the family wine business & was killed in a collision with a Citroen truck carrying gas bottles in the Bordeaux region near the tiny hamlet of Jauge. He was driving an open-topped Mercedes & was struck on the head by a gas bottle, whether full or empty is not recorded. Also whether or not the truck driver was full or empty. Also worth noting that one can stay at the Restaurant les Grépins & that the UK company http://www.solognac.co.uk has a campus there. We like to do research in depth.

    • Gordon says:

      Hi could you give me any info on this crash site iam a relative of Flight Sergeant Valencia

  11. Roger Nash says:

    Searching for accurate location of Mitchell crash 30 August 1944 near Peper Harrow/Shackleford, not far from Godalming Surrey. Pilot Fl.Lt. Cees Waardenburg, DFC, and Gunner FO Harry Payne were only men aboard, up from Dunsfold, and both killed.
    Hoping to help Dutch son of Cees’s best friend from those days.

    • Nick Macfarlane says:

      Hi Roger,

      I’m also hoping to find a more accurate crash site for this aircraft. I know that it crashed close to a Canadian Army vehicle park which I have since found. I work for the local council and would seek to put some sort of memorial up should it be located on the part of the heath that we manage.

  12. Mike Hillier says:

    Does anyone know if there is a memorial to the 4 aircrew members of 157 Squadron who died when their Airspeed Oxford (HM763) crashed after a dummy attack by an American Pilot flying a Mustang near Methwold in Norfolk on 1st May 1945?
    Aircrew members who died were: F/O Thomas James Michael Nash (Pilot), P/O James Cunningham Porteous, W/O Peter Alfred Merrall and Flt/Sgt. Frederick Fraser.

  13. Derek Matthews says:

    Do you know of an aircrash or have a photograph of which I witnessed as a 4 year old at Cairnbulg It occured at the beginning of the aerodrome near where we were staying about 1944 I think it was a spitfire and the trainee pilot had come in too low and his rear wheel caught on the railway fence. My father Cpl JR Matthews ran along the adjacent railway(Fraserborough to St Coombs)opened the hatch and pulled out the bewildered pilot.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Derek, thank you for your enquiry. This site only details air crash sites in England and Wales, you may be better off asking the site admin for air crash sites scotland.
      Expect they will be better placed to help with your query.

  14. les templeton says:

    remember avro anson crashing from walney airfield in field next to where i live avon street killing all crew .i believe two brothers were with them .1942 ? over the years think of them when i walk that way .
    would like to see aplaque in remembrence .anybody any info?

  15. David White says:

    I am looking for information on a tragic double Halifax collision on 21st August 1944 over the skies of Birkin, North Yorkshire. Flights MZ633 and N1687 collided mid air during unauthorised flying formation.
    The 75th anniversary is looming and me being the Parish Chair for Birkin we are to erect a memorial to the flight crews at the crash site.
    The problem is I don’t know exactly where it is. I was shown the site many years ago by an eye witness to the crash but memory has faded. Is there anyone out there who can either supply info or point me in the right direction .
    Thanks. David White.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi David, I will take a look when get chance (busy this weekend) but will get back to you in a couple of days, see if I can find anything that might jog your memory!

  16. David A Palmer says:

    I am trying to find the Exact location of Blenheim X3338 that crashed on a training exercise 1.5 miles North East of Woodford Northants on 13th January 1945? Info on this can be found here http://aircrewremembrancesociety.co.uk/styled-5/styled-10/styled-269/index.html
    Any info gratefully accepted.
    David AP

  17. remember as a lad finding a canopy of either a spitfire or hurricane on spare land between clifton,the irwell and agecroft collery in manchester,never did find out which it was and i think its been dug up

  18. Beryl Compton says:

    My Uncle William Pinfold was involved in an aircrash after taking off from RAF Harwell where he lost a leg. The crash was at Blewbury Hill Didcot. I have found a report in Jim Jones Personal history of RAF Harwell which I think my be this accident”march 11th Wellington X3874 observed by schoolboys to roll over on it’s back 600feet over Didcot and spiral down, it crashed and burnt outin Fleet meadow.It’s said the pilot was practising single engine flying when he got into trouble” the accident was thought to be 1942 but not sure.
    Can you confirm if this is the accident or give me any more details thank you

    • Beryl Compton says:

      I have since found out that Uncle Bill’s accident was on 8t h Oct 1941 he was in 15 OTU.

      The Adobe does sound like a discription from what has been handed down but I have an open mind
      Any help would be appreciated

      • Lance Howard says:

        Our uncles were killed in the same crash.Family lore says the aircraft (possibly L4323) was attempting a spiral manoeuvre before crashing.
        “Flight Sergeant J M Wilde, Sergeant B R Stevenson (RCAF), Sergeant A W Beynon: killed; Flying Officer L C Boore, Pilot Officer W H Pinfold, Sergeant S Davies, Sergeant Holden: injured; aircraft accident at Banham Farm, Blewbury, Berkshire, Wellington L4323, 15 Operational Training Unit, 8 September 1941.” ref:https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C16997728

        • beryl Compton says:

          Thank you for the information Lance. My aunt, W.H Pinfold’s sister and I have search for years My Uncle Bill continue as a trainer for navigators, although he had an artificial leg, for the duration of the war.
          Sorry to hear your uncles did not survive

  19. Gemma M says:

    I was looking to see if you had any details relating to a crash on Wrotham Hill, Kent 21st December 1944? I believe it was an Oxford I. 5 lives lost + 1 seriously injured

  20. Levi Wilson says:

    Hiim looking for the exact location crash site of Stirling Lk116. It crashed by the river chelmer great dunmow 20/3/1945. One air crew survived. I have shown some photos of possibley that aircraft. But a friend from the Stirling society is a doubtful they are of a Stirling crash.

  21. K Booth says:

    I am 85 years old and I have a vivid memory of a spitfires or huracane crashing at Heanor Derbyshire in a farmyard .I can’t find anything locally can you help?

    • Ian D B says:

      I don’t know of that one sorry, but maybe someone else on here might be able to provide some infor for you.

  22. Mel Davies says:

    I have been searching for an aircraft crash that occurred in 1943-4 in Holmes Chapel (Church Hulme, Cheshire. I was four years old at the time, but have a vivid memory of very small pieces of aircraft scattered, of what seemed to me at the time over a wide area. I lived with my mother in the middle of three houses opposite the site (my father was serving in the RAF in the Sudan at the time). I remember one of the older girls next door (the coal man’s daughter) holding my hand and taking me over there to see the crash site.

    The grid reference is SJ764674, just North of the A535 and East of the A50.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Mel,

      Sorry, I have not been able to identify this crash, I’m afraid. Your memory of the exact spot is interesting, but I have not been able to find any air crashes at Holmes Chapel from around that time. It is not unlikely as there were a number of aircraft which crashed taking off and landing at RAF Cranage. Maybe someone else reading this might be able to help?

      I’ve gone through what lists I have (which are far from being complete), looked through ‘Eyes of the Night’ by Bamford & Collier (the book provides a lot of detail about RAF Cranage) and have looked up the air crashes listed on my page about RAF Cranage. Do take a look at the comments section, there is quite a lot of info people have added about air crashes in the area (link below).

      RAF Cranage

      Other than that, all I can suggest is the usual approaches which you may have already made or considered; a trawl though the mircrofilm archived local newpapers of the time at the local library is time consuming but can turn up all sorts of stuff. The Winsford & Middlewich Guardian, for example. Or you could ask at the Holmes Chapel local history group or put a post on the RAF Commands Forum; the group members there may be able to help?


  23. Levi Wilson says:

    Trying to find the exact location of crashed Avro Lancaster 11 683
    Reg Ds827 Feb/5/1944
    Crashed Great Dunmow En route to RAF Witchford.
    All 8 occupants killed.
    Regards Levi Wilson

  24. Allan Wilson says:

    On October 17th 1940 a wellington bomber returning from a raid on the Kiel canal ran out of fuel. The crew parachuted to safety over Penrith and the pilotless bomber crashed into Brownrigg fell near Plumpton, a village a few miles north of Penrith. Is this site known to you and do you have any further information? I couldn’t find anything on your website,

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Allan, not a site I have visited, but it was Wellington L7857, crashed 17 October 1940. I haven’t much info, but do you have a copy of Michael J Hurst’s book on Lake District air crashes? He says the crash site presents a “large discoloured patch of soil” following the fire as the Wellington was still carrying its bombs, apparently?

      Wellington L7857

      • Allan Wilson says:

        Hi Ian, thank you for the prompt reply. Unfortunately I don’t have a copy of Michael Hurst’s book however I learned of the crash site reading a review of a new book ‘ Cumbria At War 1939-45’ written by Ruth Mansergh and published by Pen and Sword.

        • Ian D B says:

          Hi Allan,

          Hurst says that a machine gun was found at the site in 1973.

          He provides a rough grid reference for the crash site; NY521371


          • Peter Finn says:

            Just read your threds on the Plumpton Wellington L7857 crash site. I have visited the site, although theres nothing to indicate there has been a crash with nothing on the surface. Some small fragments, showing signs of burning can be found amongst the heather at the site. The site is on the west side of Brown Rigg roughly at Hurst grid ref, a path goes through the site. Unfortunately Michael Hursts book, whilst being detailed, many of the locations are wrong, he deliberatly did this.

  25. Paul A Doyle says:

    Lancaster 2 LL683 of 514 Sqn crashed out of fuel just west of Sawbridgeworth airfield on 31/3/44. Pilot Warrant Oficer W L McGowan and all crew were ok.

    See fuller details in ‘Where the Lysanders Were …..’ (the story of Sawbridgeworth’s airfields) by Paul A Doyle, ISBN 0 9525624 0 5

  26. WILLIAM B RICKARDS (Barry) says:


    Trying to find the exact site of crash landing of Lancaster R5905 24/9/42 “near madum” Denmark? My father was the pilot (William V. Rickards not V.H.Richards) he and his crew survived the war apart from Sgt William Gregor who died in POW camp.
    Flying to Denmark for first time in April.
    Thank you

    • Joe Royle says:

      Hi Barry,

      I’m doing some research for a family friend who is the daughter of John William Hargreaves (one of your dad’s crew) at the time of the incident in Denmark.

      I have some further information that you may, or indeed may not already have.

      Very happy to share it with you if you wanted it?

      Kindest regards,

      Joe Royle

      • William Rickards says:

        Hi Joe, excited to hear you know John Hargreave’s daughter. Through a Danish WW2 history buff I found the location of the farmers field where the crew crash landed. It was raining hard that night. Very nostalgic for me as I visited the farm where the crew sheltered the first night night and Ulich and Helga Jensen gave them food at great risk to themselves. We also saw the jail were the crew was taken after capture. It was well maintained being part of the city square.
        This was all in a 10 day trip to Denmark in 2018 which my wife and I greatly enjoyed.

        I would really appreciate any information you have on John, his daughter and/or the crash.

        Kind regards
        W. Barry Rickards

      • William Rickards says:

        Hi Joe,
        Great that you are helping John Hargreave’s daughter with finding info on 44 squadron and Lamsdorf. I would appreciate any information you have on John, 44 squadron or Lamsdorf.
        My wife and I travelled to Denmark in 2018 and I found the field where my dad crashed, the farm where they sheltered for the night and the Ulfborg jail where they were taken after capture.
        Best regards

        • Joe Royle says:

          Hi Barry, many thanks for getting in touch .. delighted to make your acquaintance.

          Very happy to share what I’ve got with you.

          Also, I spoke with John Vardy’s daughter this afternoon, so it looks like 3 families are now joined up.

          In short, if you wanted to reply to my email address I can send it all over to you.

          Alternatively I could sent it to you via WhatsApp &/or give you a bell if that works for you?

          Kindest regards,


          07753 252946



        • Joe Royle says:

          Hi Barry, many thanks for making contact. I’ve got quite a few bits & bobs that you may be interested in. I’ve also spoken with the daughter of John Vardy so it looks like three families of the original crew are now joined up and in contact, which is great news. If you wanted to send me an email to jroy1e@me.com &/or WhatsApp me on +44 (0)7753252946 I can then send you what I have. With every best wish and kindest regards, Joe

  27. Beth Allen says:

    Great site! I am looking for any info on my Uncle, Pilot Officer Arthur Glyndwr Thomas, who died in a plane crash (Lancaster?) on April 3 1945. I believe(?) it was near Gainsborough? This is all the info I have and as you can see I’m not as sure on some of it.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Beth,

      Thank you for your comment.

      It looks like your uncle was the pilot of Lancaster ME323 which was shot down at eight minutes past one on the morning of 4 March 1945.

      From Bomber county aviation resource are these details;

      “Coded PH-P, Shot down by an Intruder during a night training flight and crashed 0110 4th Mar between Stockwith and Blyton, two villages 3 miles NW and NE respectively from Gainsborough. The five Australians were buried in the Cambridge City Cemetery and the other two were taken to their home towns. P/O A.G.Thomas KIA, F/S T.McCaffray KIA, F/S E.L.Horstmann RAAF KIA, F/S W.N.Pridmore RAAF KIA, F/S G.E.Davis RAAF KIA, F/S A.Cryer RAAF KIA, F/S A.H.Weston RAAF KIA.”

      Apparently two Lancasters, ME323 and PB476 of 12 Squadron were on training flights when shot down by Luftwaffe Junkers 88s. They had the misfortune to be undertaking night navigation exercises the same night that the Luftwaffe launched its last big revenge attack against the RAF. It was called Operation Gisela, lots of aircraft were shot down that night, with some of the last Luftwaffe Junkers 88s crossing the North Sea to wait for RAF bombers returning to base from their attacks on German targets. In the Luftwaffe crash sites section of this website is the memorial to what is alleged to be the last Luftwaffe aircraft shot down in England during this raid.

      There is a link to the wikipedia page about this raid below. Your uncle is mentioned in the reference to ME323 under the British losses section. The crews, including your uncle Arthur, were based at RAF Wickenby and had only been there a few days before losing their lives.

      In the village of East Stockwith is a memorial to the crew. It appears to be quite new as it is not on Google street views. But anyway it is on the corner of Back Street and St Peter’s Close in the village.
      mosquito LR412
      Photo from this page;
      Society for Lincolnshire History & Archaeology

      There is also this distressing reference in a book called ‘Intruders over Britain’ by Simon W Parry (2003);
      “Mrs Nelson, wife of the Station Commander at RAF Blyton, was outside when she saw a fire overhead. There were two explosions as the aircraft began to disintegrate in the air and a third as it hit the ground. When the station’s crash crew appeared at the site they found the remains of a No.12 Squadron Lancaster scattered over the ground and among the wreckage, the bodies of its seven crew. They were later identified as Flying Officer Thomas and his crew who were overdue from a cross country navigation exercise.”

      If you look on Google satellite maps, you can still make out the runways of what was RAF Blyton.

      The downing of Lancaster ME323 is also mentioned in ‘Nachtjagd War Diaries Vol 2 – An Operational History of the German Night Fighter Force in the West, April 1944 – May 1945’ by Dr. Theo Boiten and Roderick J MacKenzie (2008) in which they identify the possible credit for the shooting down of ME323 to Lt. Günther Wulf. He attacked the Lancaster over Hull.

      wikipedia page about Operation Gisela.

      Hope this helps and fills in some of the gaps! But there is more out there about this if you want to look for it. Google search “Lancaster ME323” to find more.


      • B. Allen says:

        That is fantastic info!! Thank you so very much for finding all that. I know that Uncle Arthur is buried in Holy Cross Churchyard in Taibach Port Talbot, his birthplace, with his mother and father. I also knew from my mother, Hetty Allen (sadly died May 19 2019) that he was also shot down over Malta and that he was a member of the Guinea Pig Club. His name is listed in the GPC book. Thank you very much!

      • Janes Chantry says:

        Beth, could you get in touch with me? I live approximately a mile from where the Lancaster your uncle was flying crashed. I’m researching it’s history. The land owner who owns the field where it crashed had one of the propeller blades go up his potato harvester, still intact and with paint still on it. That’s recently been made into the memorial mentioned above. I’d love to hear from you.

    • Mike H says:

      Hi Beth. I currently have your uncles flying log book and other bits in my collection.
      Could you please get in contact?
      My email address is:

  28. Mark Place says:

    My late father Vincent Place was rear gunner lancs I have been told his aircraft crashed on a training flight in Snowdonia only him and the pilot survived 1943/44 I would be great full if you have any info on this as I can’t find any info on his war records any where thank you

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Mark, have you any more details at all? Approximate location, date such as time of year, the name of the pilot, anything from memory such as stories you heard from your father or other family – anything like that could help enormously.

  29. Beth Allen says:

    Thanks Ian. Her 98th birthday is today June 6, and her funeral is tomorrow.

  30. Melissa G F says:

    Does anyone have any information regarding the collision of two Lancaster’s, just outside Waltham airfield, on Black Thursday?

  31. Peggie Carmichael says:

    I was serving as a wren air mechanic at RNAS Donibristlein the summer of 1944 when I witnessed aplane , possibly a Barracuda
    which crashed into a field killing the pilot and a wren radio mechanic who were on a t3st flight. Further information required please

  32. Paul A Doyle says:

    Can anyone confirm the crash location for Westland Whirlwind P7094 that went down in the early hours of 16 May 1943; given as either Melcombe Regis, Dorset or Higher Metcombe, Devon, killing F/Lt HJ Blackshaw of 263 Squadron based at Warmwell, Dorset?

  33. Donalf Smith says:

    I am trying to obtain details of a Beaufort that crashed off the West Coast of Scotland on 25th May 1943.

  34. Colin Hill says:

    Hiya, I.. looking for any further information/pictures if possible of Wellington DV936. Crashed April 21 1943 near Elmley Lovett, Worcestershire. My great uncle was navigator. All crew lost all buried in there local cemeteries other than Boyes, of the RAAF whose buried in Pershore. The Aircraft suffered an engine explosion followed by a fierce fire which led to the wing becoming detached before the plane crashed. I’ve not been able to find much else out about the incident andvthe family has no pictures of Sgt H M Holmes. I’m trying to put together a memorial frame for him. Cheers

    • Colin hill says:

      Still searching in hope of finding more accurate location and any possible pictures of crew or plane Wellington DV936, 15 OTU

  35. William Baker says:

    Hi, My Father was a fitter in bomber command and the Bomber that he was in crashed at the end of 1944 or the beginning of 1945.
    They were visiting the factory where the Bombers were made but on takeoff the Bomber just touched the top of some trees and crashed.
    I understand the crew all survived although my Father had a broken
    neck.Would you have any information regarding the crash.

    Thank you William Baker. My Father William George Baker.

  36. Martin Dobbing says:


    Would you have anything on this. Sorry report isn’t that clear but can’t identify it from your site info



    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Martin, it is not a crash site I have visited – but maybe I need to, was not aware of it!

      Link here to Aviation Safety Network has an overview plus links to other websites it references



  37. P. Jackson says:

    Hello , An allied aircraft crashed in front of my father, Cpl R.A.Jacksons platoon in the village of Hollot Normandy France on 1st or 2nd August 1944. He and 2 others ran to rescue the crew but sadly they ran into an enemy mine field, he was killed and the others were wounded, I would like to know if possible? what aircraft it was and if the crew survived. I would appreciate any information which might help me in my search. thanks in advance P. Jackson

  38. Archiebald John Mc Ewan says:

    Can you tell me if Lancaster ED548 ph-1-x was recovered after the crash on 07/07/1943 at the Pow burn near Airth, 1/2 mile west of Kincardine Bridge.I live in Kincardine, my father told me as a boy of the crash.During this lockdown I have collated all the crew and their positions.Was it based at Grangemouth,did it fly from there and was an explosion the cause of the crash.

  39. Steve Williams says:

    Hi – I am trying to find the location and the type of plane in which W/O Robert L. Double DFM., aged just 22, was killed on May 18th 1944. He had survived many missions over Germany and Occupied Europe but apparently was killed while doing some training flights, possibly in the Salop area. He was originally from Stowmarket in Suffolk and I am the town’s historin trying to put a nice piece together about his short life. Any information will be gratefull received. Thank you.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Steve, I have looked in the books I own but can find no reference to it. Maybe someone on here can help? If you were to post your query in the general forum on RAF Commands website, I am sure someone there will help you.

    • bill hughes says:

      hi steve Just come across your query about Robert Leonard Double. Ive done a bit of checking and it seems he was a navigator with RAFVR and fell out of a Whitely at 1400ft in the peak district of Derbyshire while attached to 81 OTU at Ashbourne. Little bit of confusion though it seems 81 OTU disbanded Jan 1944. I would guess as he had the DFM he was on his 2nd tour. If you google Robert Double RAF 175954 you will see the info. regards Bill

    • bill hughes says:

      Hi again Steve Done a bit more checking and the only place I can find with info is peakdistrictaircrashes and the reference to Robert takes some finding but it is there. Bill

  40. William Carr says:

    I was an evacuee staying on a farm close to Silian. My brother and I visited a plane crash site one evening in 1942. The crash site was close to Lampeter, Mid Wales. There was a lot of debris scattered around the site and we were prevented from getting any closer to the wreckage owing to a police cordon. I have investigated the crash files but I am unable to find any information concerning this particular crash. Is there anyone out there who may have more information about this particular incident?

  41. David Harrison says:

    Couldn’t see this one listed, which RAF Brize Norton has just had on their FB page 27th Aug 20: https://bit.ly/3jnkhfQ

    The village of Black Bourton was the scene, 76 years ago when tragically, returning from missions, Albemarle V1782 overshot the runway at RAF Brize Norton, crashing and burning out in a field on Mill Farm, with the loss of life of all five crew.

    The plaque is by the entrance to Mill Farm at 51°43’47.8″N, 1°34’42.1″W and reads:

    In Memory Of
    The R.A.F. crew of 297 Squadron
    who were killed near this site
    on 27.8.1944 at 04.05 in Albemarle V1782

    F/S A.H.Busbridge (Pilot)
    F/S B.V.Mowan
    F/S W.F.Insley
    Sgt. K.J.Shay
    Sgt. E.F/Bonser (296 Squadron)

    They will not be forgotten

    • Ian D B says:

      Thanks David, not a site I have visited. Good of you to provide the crew details. If you have any photos, it would be good to add them here.

    • Ian D B says:

      Three photos of the memorial for the Albemarle V1782 which overshot the runway at RAF Brize Norton, courtesy of David Harrison.




  42. Robert McLean says:

    Looking for information on Sergeant Walter Thompson service number 1066764 died 5th June 1942 buried in Bergen General Cemetery. Originally from N.Ireland, age 20 years. I have been told Walter was air crew (possibly Wellington) shot down over Holland.

  43. Excluding the well-known Liberator crash in Chichester,West Sussex- if anyone out there has any data on a possible WW2 crash-site in the Fishbourne area, on farmland just outside the village, would like to know. At present, have no details as to year/date of crash, aircraft type,unit or no of crew/casualties, so this may be a ‘non-starter’ best consigned to realms of rumour. However, one local source mentions a possible plane crash so it seems worth following up…..thanks in advance for any help or advice- PD

  44. cris george says:

    Looking for the exact location of RAF 78 SQN Halifax BIII MZ311 which crashed on Cleeve Hill in a quarry 4 miles NE of Cheltenham, Gloucester in the early hours of 26 August 1944 after a mining sortie off the French Coast. All crew were killed. This question has been asked on-line before (not at this site) but I have not seen a response or answer. I will be grateful for the smallest item of information which might help. Thanks.

  45. Andrew Gurney says:

    Bomber crash at the village of Wellington Heath in Herefordshire in 1943. No records are available. Does anyone know about this crash???

  46. Andrew Gurney says:

    Bomber crash in the village of Wellington Heath in Herefordshire in 1942-43. Cannot find any records relating to the crash. Maybe it was a Wellington, or a Whitley bomber. Crew bailed out safely. Maybe they were Canadian!

  47. Chris morgan says:

    Hi i am looking for information about a aircraft accident ( service record) at netheravon on the 17/11/1942 . I am told it was a Armstrong whitly but can find no colabaration.

  48. David Addis says:

    Spitfire K4164, flown by Polish Pilot Officer Roman Suwalski, crashed in Bees Nursery, Chester on 26th Jan 1942 due to mid-air collision, thought to be in bad visibility.
    Any information please, his family are trying to find out about it.

  49. Mark Jones says:

    I have been trying to find information of an aircraft crash during WW2 some time in Westbury Wiltshire.

    Apparently it crashed just North of the Main Railway line to the east of Westbury Station Not far off the Ham road.

    Tantalisingly I was offer info and pics from a local but they never materialised after the death of the locals brother.

    Any info would be fantastic.

  50. Pete Jackson says:

    hello looking for information on allied aircraft which crashed in village of Hallot in France at the end of July 1944 my farther died and two others were wounded trying to rescue the crew, they ran into a mine field, Be nice to know if the crew survived and what aircraft it was.

  51. Chris Thomson says:


    I’m looking for any info in regards to Lancaster LL701 that went down on February 24/25 1944 on a Schweinfurt night raid. Originally marked as lost with out a trace, new information was found according to German night fighter logs. These mention that Lancster LL701 went down in the North Sea.
    http://www.fredtrendle.de/images/pdf/Buchauszug-Februar-1944-Nacht.pdf (Page 213)

    115. Sqn. (RAF) / Avro Lancaster Mk. II / # LL701 / Operation Schweinfurt / Ursache unbekannt / Absturz in die Nordsee / Flight Lieutenant James Clement Hornby / 7 vermisst.
    115. Sqn (RAF) / Avro Lancaster Mk. II / # LL701 / Operation Schweinfurt / Cause unknown / Crash in the North Sea / Flight Lieutenant James Clement Hornby / 7 missing.

    Any other information would be greatly appreciated.

    For those looking for downed aircraft information may I suggest looking at the below resources. They might assist you in finding more information. Good luck to you all in your searches.
    -Theo Boiten Nachtjagd War Diaries book.
    -Fred Trendle Point Blank book – PDF Links on his website — http://www.fredtrendle.de/

    Thank you!
    Chris Thomson
    (Great Nephew Of Francis Leonard Kennedy MUG LL701)

  52. William Moore says:

    Mid-air collision between two Whitley V medium bombers (Z9471 and LA879) from RAF 10 OTU based out of Abingdon/Stanton Harcourt, roughly 2 miles south-east of Stanton Harcourt, on 17th September 1943. This accident is documented, but I have not seen it listed in any air crash sites or even in any number of “incident” lists. Ten aircrew died, including my uncle. Any further background on it? Aside from this…

    How common were these losses in training exercises? This was apparently a “bullseye sortie” that went badly wrong. It says in one link that it was a daytime flight, but the time-stamp elsewhere is 23:48, which suggests night to me. It also suggests to me that there is no full and formal documentation of the crash, despite the loss of rather valuable aircrew. would there not have been an official (though not public) inquiry after the event?

    • Donald Stewart says:

    • Paul Cook says:

      Hi William,
      I have just discovered that I am related to the navigator 13399158 Sergeant Herbert Edgar Scarborough killed onboard Z9471.
      Did you acquire any further information regarding the accident you would be willing to share?
      I’m keen to obtain 10 OTU photos of all 10 aircrew that lost their lives.
      Do you have any photos of your uncle, his crew or the other crash victims?
      Looking to research this myself.
      Thank you for your kind consideration in advance

  53. Richard Goold says:

    G’day all
    I am originally from Stowmarket Suffolk, now living in Australia but before we left there was a story that my great grandmother used to tell me about a RAF fighter that was shot down in a dog fight over their house, From what I remember the aircraft blow up with some of the pieces of the aircraft and some other not to mention fell in the backyard,
    I’m hoping if anyone knows of any details about this.
    Regards Richard

  54. Hector Nottage says:

    Hello everybody, I was on my way to abersoch yesterday and out of the car window I saw something that looked like a p51d or a spitfire mk9 that had crashed in a small building (like a kind of brick shed. This was in snowdonia, wales. I forgot precisely where it was but if you know what I mean please let me know.

  55. Anthony Warren says:

    Looking for the exact location of a memorial for a Lancaster bomber that went down just outside Bicker, Lincolnshire on the 10th April 1944.

    My grandfather, Anthony Hunter, was on the flight and I would like to visit the site. Thanks.

  56. Paul says:


    At the request of a local farmer in Norfolk I have located where some of the remains of EE105 Lancaster lies. I am trying to get permission for a controlled survey of the site involving service personnel from a local RAF Station with full archeological support from qualified people. Permission was granted by the MOD for the site to be excavated but on reapplying have been turned down stating the possibility of human remain maybe on site. FS Kraemer mid upper gunner unfortunately L lost his life but his body was recovered from the wreckage and buried 3 days later in Cambridge. The onus is now on me to prove that all remains were recovered. How do I obtain crash site reports from the date August 1943 which may or may not show the extent of what or was not recovered. Adice greatly appreciated

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Paul,
      Not sure I can provide an answer, maybe someone else on here might be able to?
      The crash reports are on Forms 1180 but I doubt they would record the information you require?

      You could nonentheless contact the RAF Museum and ask them for some guidance?

      I also wonder if there is any coronial information you might be able to access from the local authority? Or maybe as a general enquiry, ask someone here at the Coroner’s Society

      I understand research has shown that where the impact caused severe trauma to the bodies of the crew, then recovery crews were instructed just to gather sufficient body parts to enable a funeral to take place (around 9 lbs apparently).

      I also was wondering reading your query whether the MOD – in declining your application – might advise what information they have?


      • Paul says:

        Dear Ian

        Thank you . From the research I have conducted thus far the ac although fatally wounded and trying to recover to Marham instead of Bourne the pilot gave the order to the rest of the crew to bail out was going it alone. At the last minute Marham hearing an intruder was in the area turned off the landing lights. The pilot flying blind bailed out at low level 3 miles out. The ac came down wing tip first tumbling and all engines were recovered from the surface. A body was also recovered from the wreckage. In 2006 a license was granted but was never seen through to fruition. The Farmer may challenge the mod to provide proof as he has never been informed of the crash site or possibility of human remains and is at liberty to dig ditches lay water pipes unrestricted and does not want to uncover body parts? I feel it is just a civil servant playing overly safe. We only wish to map the site and dig a series of 1mx1mx1m test pits. It’s a facinating story and one of only 2 incidents where a mechershmit ventured this far into uk air space and took out a RAF ac. The pilot was in turn shot down over the channel but was picked up off the German coast. A highly decorated pilot returned to the uk 3 months later and was shot down and killed over Kent .
        We have reached out to the engineers family son who has stories to tell of that fated flight which his father relayed to him.
        Service personnel from Marham are ready to take part in a controlled mini excavation as part of their development.
        We would love to finish and tell the whole story. For my part I feel most of the wreckage was recovered and what is left are clear up debris pits.



        • Ian D B says:

          That is a fascinating story Paul. It does sound a little unreasonable given, as you say, the land owner is at liberty to dig on his own land but not apparently disturb what may be there – or may not be there.
          Perhaps appeal to the MoD or a manager, set out what you provide above and ask how you can possibly move forward if there is no indication of what or how you are expected to provide? I daresay you have already done this.

  57. Paul says:

    Ian I have contacted the LA and have a copy of FE Kraemers death certificate as a starting point but further investigation concluded that there was not a coroners report

  58. Stewart Tattersall says:

    Does anyone have any information about an Anson or possibly oxford
    aircraft that crashed into the sea off the north Wales coast during World war 2. The crash site being about 7 miles out to sea from Prestatyn. The skipper of the boat we used to dive with found it when he was fishing and caught his nets in it.

    • Paul Alfred Doyle says:


      The only Anson crash off the North Wales coast was, I recall from a picture in a book ‘somewhere’ (possibly Llanbedr area) I saw many years ago, one that had force-landed just off the beach and was salvaged after it was dragged onto the beach, so it wouldn’t be one out in the water.

      Sorry to be a bit vague on this one, I can’t even recall the aircraft serial or unit.

  59. fred plews says:

    i remember during the war, a welington , orlancaster , crashing into houses on wold rd hull, the pilot was a corpaeral, aparantly he didnt pass ro be a pilot, and this night , he took the lane up , on his own, my father was a fire man , off duty, but he was the first to turn off the gas in the houses , and get the pilot out unfortunatly he was dead, , when the fire engine arrived, the cheef balled my father out for not waiting, i remember it all so well, i am now 88, i lived at 360 wld rd nearly oposit, the plane was from leckonfield

  60. John Dorward says:

    My grandmother’s house in Monifieth had a splendid view of the Firth of Tay. I used to watch dive bombers practicing on the spur of sand that extended from Tentsmuir. On at least one occasion one did not pull up and there was a big splash. I was told that the aircraft were Barracudas. I can find no reports of any crashes here. Can anyone help me?

  61. Following-up my former request about the Wittering crash, I am of course (when requested) tell more about my late and for many years good and well respectyed friend Thomas C. Stanley MBE of Liverpool, ex-crew member of Manchester L7518. But there seems to be some doubt about this Wittering crash. I have to go back at what I just now do remember (without checking) and what Tom wrote and told me in his original letters to me! They were returning from an attack on Germany (Cologne?) that particulair night. Above the target area they all of the sudden heard a big ‘bang’ right underneath their a/c and pilot Hubbard told them to check the instrument etc., but all seemed to be OK. When reaching the British coast however, Hubbard no longer was able to keep his a/c in the air any longer and ordened his crew to bail out as quick as possible. The Manchester went down. And but seconds after the whole crew jumped exploded in mid-air. Crashing somewhere near Wittering…

  62. Following-up my former request about the Wittering crash, I am of course (when requested) tell more about my late and for many years good and well respected friend Thomas C. Stanley MBE of Liverpool, ex-crew member of Manchester L7518. But there seems to be some doubt about this Wittering crash. I have to go back at what I just now do remember (without checking) and what Tom wrote and told me in his original letters to me! They were returning from an attack on Germany (Cologne?) that particulair night. Above the target area they all of the sudden heard a big ‘bang’ right underneath their a/c and pilot Hubbard told them to check the instrument etc., but all seemed to be OK. When reaching the British coast however, Hubbard no longer was able to keep his a/c in the air any longer and ordened his crew to bail out as quick as possible. The Manchester went down. And but seconds after the whole crew jumped exploded in mid-air. Crashing somewhere near Wittering…

  63. Gary Poole says:

    Hi, I am a metal detectorist in Whetstone, Leicester. I recently gained permission to search some farm land between Whetstone & Littlethorpe. The farmer told me he believed a Spitfire had crashed on the site. I have certainly found a lot of aluminium pieces scattered all over the field. I found what looks like a latch handle that has a plastic grommit attached, and the grommit has Wellington Regd moulded into it. I have googled for any crashes logged in the area but I can’t find anything.

    • Ian D B says:

      I’ll have a look Gary, see if I can find anything. My email address is on the contact page of this site, if you want to email me a photo of your find, I can add it here?

      • Gary Poole says:

        Thanks Ian, I can’t find anything about the crash on Google. I’m going to write an email to the MOD as I could be breaking the law by collecting bits. I threw some away at first, but now I’m bagging it all just in case.
        There was an anti aircraft gun in the same field as well. I’m very careful when I dig 😂

        • william hughes says:

          Hi Gary I live very near to you and I have done some similar research but in relation to bomber command, maybe this info will help.

          There is a chance Leicester Mercury may have details in their archieves. They recently published an article about a Lancaster that crashed at Scraptoft.

          I doubt your Spitfire was involved in enemy action in my own opinion it could have been an ATA crash. Bruntingthorpe, Bitteswell ( now Magna Park ) and Rearsby were used for new aircraft storage. This was to get new aircraft away from the factory before they were delivered to their squadrons. As far as I know (although Im no expert by any means) the nearest fighter operational bases near us were Kings Cliffe, Wittering and Ingham..Saying that it is possible some bomber bases had fighter squadrons as well.

          From past experience I think you will have a problem if you dont have a diffinative date.There is a book on Amazon called “fighter command losses” but without a date you will need to read every entry.

          Bill Hughes

  64. Trying to find the circumstances of the Wellington crash on the river bank at Barnby Dun,Nr;Doncaster, october, 1943. I visited the site at the time, but have never managed to find any details on this specific crashlanding,that saved the village from a huge disaster.

  65. Mr; Sidney Quill says:

    I am hoping you can assist in this search, as I was a young lad at the time, and later served in the RAF,1946-48.

  66. Robin Wilson says:

    Good afternoon,
    In July?/Summer 1944 my brother and I, then 5 and 6, saw the last minutes of flight of a four engine bomber. It flew over our house with an engine on fire then narrowly missed the bus on which I was travelling to school moments before crashing disastrously. Later that evening we visited the crash site. It came down near East Farm, Black Callderton, Northumberland, England. The site is certain, but the villages of Woolsington and Ponteland were within a few miles. The aircraft was said to be a Lancaster on a training flight, have a Canadian crew, and that all 7 were killed. Certainly the burnt-out wreckage would suggest this last as true.
    Have searched RAF and RCAF records, local newspaper archives without finding any mention of this loss. Can anyone help?
    In 1944 the area was very rural, northern England. Even so, can a whole crew and big aircraft simply vanish from ken? Regards, Robin

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Robin,

      What’s odd is that there was a plane crash at East Farm, Black Callerton, but it was in 1984, not 1944!
      Please see here.

      As RAF Woolsington was not far away it is quite possible other aircraft crashed on approach. There were a number of air crashes, e.g. Vultee A-35B Vengeance 41-31356 which crashed 28 July 1944 at Woolsington, but they were all single engined aircraft, I think.

      There was a Luftwaffe crash at nearby Whorlton in 1941.

      I don’t suppose any of this helps you though. Someone on here might have some more information. I have a couple of books about air crash sites in Northumberland on order, so will have a look through those and get back to you if I find anything.


  67. Jim Corbett says:

    The crash at Callerton you refer to is Halifax EB245, which crashed at High Luddick Farm on 19th February 1944. Only one occupant was killed. I would be interested to learn the exact location if you have it.

    Details as follows:

    H.P. Halifax V EB245, 1663 H.C.U. Rufforth

    1337739 Sgt Roden Wadham Surman pilot (K)
    1865853 Sgt F C Sheppard flt/eng (I)
    Sgt Borowski navigator ok
    409807 F/Sgt D Frazer bomb aimer (I)
    Sgt Bennett wireless operator ok
    998989 Sgt Taylor air gunner (I)
    Sgt Eastman air gunner ok

    Aircraft suffered a port outer engine failure soon after take off for a training flight but the pilot chose to continue with the flight he later un-feathered the propeller and tried to restart the engine but the aircraft got into further difficulties. Aircraft then crashed after overshooting an attempted emergency landing at Woolsington, High Luddick Farm near Ponteland, Northumberland 1320hrs.

  68. John Muir says:

    I am a retired airline Flight Engineer in Australia with a memory of a RAF Harvard crashing in a flat spin somewhere in Fife Scotland. I think it was 1942-1945. We were working on a farm picking potatoes. The crew were (obviously) un-responsive and we curious kids were quickly chased away by the grownups. I have been unable to find any information re this event.

  69. David Jones says:

    Following a recent conversation with my wife’s’ uncle, I am looking for information regarding an aircraft that crashed near the Black Bull, between Malton and Pickering in 1942/43. The aircraft apparently collided with another over Pickering (witnessed by my uncle) and crashed near to, or on the railway line near to the Black Bull Public house. According to my uncle, the crew were French Canadian, and may have died in the crash. The local Signal box operator apparently received a commendation for cycling up the line and placing detonators to warn a Goods train that was approaching on that section of line.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi David, I’ll have a look over the coming days and get back to you if I can identify it, unless someone else viewing this page has the information to hand?

  70. Jason says:

    hello looking for photos of a crash site near Trawsfynydd where my grandfather survived Wellington bomber crash, was featured in a book about crashes in Wales called No landing place , but can not find details of crash on here or online ,
    my grandfather was Flt Sgt Alexander Sinclair From Ayrshire, other fact were it was near old goldmine

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