Britain at War

See also Air Raids & Bomb Sites

6 comments on “Britain at War
  1. Jill ballard says:

    Any information ever come to light about a german plane crashing into the lake at Narford Hall in Norfolk? My mother worked there and used to speak about the housekeeper cook going to see the young frightened pilot.
    Sadly l lost Mum last year and wish l knew more. Must have been 1942/3 as she was married and living elsewhere by 1945

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Jill
      I don’t know of a German aircraft coming down at Narford Hall but an RAF Mosquito crashed there in 1945 with the loss of both crew.
      This link has more.

      There may well have been other crashes there or nearby. I’ll take a look at the German records and get back to you if I find anything.

      • Jill Ballard says:

        Thanks Ian for getting back.
        It strange its the same place. Mum told the story tgat a german plane came down in the lake andvone airman died but the other a young German was held by the housekeeper/cook who was later given an award. Who knows?
        Cheers Jill

  2. Mark Middleton says:

    Mark Middleton-Stafford.
    In my local pub I heard a story of a Messerschmitt me-109 being found after the war deep into a wooded area known as Cannock Chase. I’ve lived in Stafford for 55 years and never heard this. Plus the pilot was still in his cockpit ! Any truth to this story, I’m fascinated to find out. Believe the plane was found late 1940’s,early 50’s.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Mark, it is not one I’ve heard of. Just done a quick look, but there’s nothing about such a crash. Though there was a light aircraft crashed near the railway lines at Little Heywood, 11 or so years ago.

      I know this area well, and enjoy walking in the Chase. I wonder if it is the German Military Cemetary being here that has led to the story?

      To be fair, it is not uncommon for these stories to emerge and it is usually a German aircraft (failing that a Spitfire or a Lancaster) that is said to have crashed, and if Luftwaffe it is nearly always a Messerschmitt.

      In this case, if a Bf109, then it can be ruled out as they did not have the range to get as far north as Staffordshire. Or rather, they could get to Staffordshire but would not have the fuel to get back!

      Hope this helps?


  3. Michael de Silva says:

    How do I find info re Lanc crashed Ntr Magdeburg 17.1 1943, please

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