Piper Cherokee G-AVYN.
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Piper Cherokee G-AVYN
A rare visit to a civilian crash site. Student pilot Anthony Peter Teare died on September 23rd 1969 when Piper Cherokee G-AVYN of Newcastle Aero Club crashed on the moors near Pately Bridge in North Yorkshire.
Mr Teare’s flight was to gain more experience in navigation. Flying solo from Newcastle Airport to Leeds/Bradford Airport and back, he was on the return leg of the flight when the accident happened; banking to the right in low cloud the starboard wing clipped the ground and the aircraft cartwheeled over the moor, losing both wings as it went. The pilot was killed instantly.
Mr Teare was aged 22 and married with a son, I understand. The report into the accident notes that he had phoned his wife just before setting off back home to Newcastle, and had mentioned the deteriorating weather to her.
Image above shows part of the fuselage.
The underside of part of the port wing.

Paul holding up the tailplane

i can never get enough of this stuff,ian…sad but hugely interesting..
Great series of shots Ian , and some info I didnt find too !
If I look cold its because I was cold 🙂 A wet and windy day and some tough ground to cover as well.
Quite a chunk amongst the heather. No impact crater here then?
Thanks everyone. This little aircraft was too light and small to make much of an impression on the landscape, Bryan.
Photo below is from seansonofbig’s photostream.

see his stream here;
incredibly sad, as all these sites are
yes nice work again ian.
great job….
I see his son managed to visit the sight, that must have been hard for him.
Thats a great shot with the message from his son .
Very sad indeed .
Seems to be so much just plain old bad luck involved.I can never believe they are flying so low and running the risk of hitting the ground.
What a sad story Ian! A brilliant photo, wonderful that his son managed to visit the site, must have been very difficult for him.
Neal and i know about crashes believe me! poor guy
Poignant images made more so with the addition of the pic with the sons message written on part of the wreckage.
What grads did you get for the cokin system Ian and what did you make of them?
Great Shot, love the tones and light 🙂
commented with FlickrComment
How very sad — hope he died quickly
I never cease to be amazed at your shots of these sites.
thanks again all.
First effort, seems to do the trick ok! Bought a couple, an ND8 and an ND8 soft grad which will hopefully get more use this autumn.
I always imagined that the wreckage would always be tidied up by the autorities, obviously not
Quelle drôle de rencontre, forte en émotions!
Nice work with the ND’s Ian
I’m suprised the wreckage was’nt taken away by the aircrash investigators
Really interesting but,as ever,very sad tale Ian. I`m always amazed at the amount of wreckage still at the site – particularly as this was a relatively recent event compared to your more usual wartime sites.
Yes it is a very sad place this. The wreckage remaining surprised me too.