Hurricane Z5140

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Hurricane Z5140

13 comments on “Hurricane Z5140
  1. Tim Spicer Photography says:

    Nice shot taken at Legends?

  2. The_Photo_Boy says:

    nice one, great shot!

  3. Tech Owl says:

    Wonderful frame full of aircraft!! – great shot Ian

    You have an image worthy of preservation!
    Preserved for Posterity

    Preserved for Posterity
    Visual Preservation

  4. ​favourite waste of time​ says:

    okay — why the bulls eyes under the wings?

  5. Ian D B says:

    They’re identification mark Sonja. To be precise, it’s an RAF Type A roundel. So anti-aircraft gunners would know that the aircraft above is one of the good guys. Unless it was over occupied Europe, in which case the gunner might have a different point of view. After the war, the Royal Canadian Air Force had a red maple leaf at the centre of their roundels.

    Yeah, this is Legends Tim. Need to add some tags, thanks for the reminder.

  6. andyholmfirth says:

    I’ve made a few airfix models of these in my childhood,Ian.What a plane.

  7. Daniel Bendheim says:


  8. redrocker_9 says:

    I like how this is centered nicely separating the sky and the grass~

  9. c.patterson says:

    wonderful old machine,
    great shot too Ian, excellent detail and colour.

  10. Tony-H says:

    An absolutely classic pose of the beautiful Hurricane.

    When I was a kid the Hurri was my favourite plane, moreso than the Spitfire ‘cos it looked sturdy and tough … which it was 🙂

  11. Pleasureprinciple2012 says:

    Ah, the good old Hurricane, the mainstay aircraft of the Battle of Britain but usually overlooked for the good looks of the Spitfire. A beautiful aircraft and excellent capture.

  12. Ian D B says:

    Thanks again. Hopefully next time I go to an airshow, there won’t be so many ground shots.

  13. **Hazel** says:

    A Stunning photo Ian!

    Definitely in my favs!

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