Sabre jets XD707 and ZD730

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F-86 Sabres XD707 and XD730

2 Sabre jets, crash site July 25 1954.
One of the aircraft clipped the top of the hill above, crashed into the other, probably, and spilled on to the Ashop Moor side of the hill.
On exercise from Linton-on-Ouse Flying Officer Jim Horne and Flight Lieutenant Alan Green both killed. Not found till a few days later by a passing rambler.

8 comments on “Sabre jets XD707 and ZD730
  1. gravlguts says:

    Is the wreckage still scattered like this, 54 years later?

  2. Ian D B says:

    The wreckage from both aircraft is scattered across the moor. Most of the bigger pieces have been removed, but various piles are formed as visitors pile up what they find. There are 2 or 3 main piles, a couple of hundred yards apart.

  3. sarflondondunc says:

    Just going through your great air crash site photos. I never knew these were there. Great to see the remains are still there as a tribute to the brave young airmen who gave their lives for our country, I really like the background information you add to your photos as well. Please check out the
    London at War group that I contribute to regularly mainly with photos of bomb damage, shelters and stretcher fences.

  4. tramsteer says:

    I first visited this site in the winter of 65/66 with 1804 squadron ATC based Heaton Moor Stockport

  5. Mustang Koji says:

    How somber this is…


    your Blogg/site looks great now Ian.. seems to be getting a good response.

    Replying to this as I got two “TEST” email notifications… is it because I have not been in touch or contributed for a while?

    If sorry!


    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Richard, sorry about the test posts, just trying to improve this site. I haven’t been adding new posts as such because of the way I have everything set up, have instead been adding to existing posts (which unfortunately won’t send you any alerts). Apologies for the notifications but it has given me an idea for alerting people of new material…

      Thanks for checking it out Richard, great to hear from you.


      • Richard says:

        No problem at all Ian.. nice to her from you also. Hope you and Lucy are well… Seems to be working fine now.. got 2 alerts to recent post etc.



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