Mosquito TA525
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Mosquito TA525
Mosquito TA525 crashed near Castle Bolton in Yorkshire on February 14th 1946 killing Dutch pilot, Sergeant Gebines La Hei, who was 27 years old. In bad weather he lost control of his Mosquito during a training flight.
This link is to Richard Allanby’s site, where there is a photo of Sgt La Hei and also photos of the wreckage at the site as it was nearly 30 years ago.….
One of the larger bits of debris still at the site.

Quite a chunk of metal here! Interesting as usual Ian
A brilliant composition, Ian!!
The setting in the landscape is very poignant!!!!
Do you know, is that hollow the actual impact site or has the wreckage been ‘collected’ there?
Thanks all! I don’t believe it is the impact crater, looks more like a ‘shake hole’ caused by water eroding away the limestone beneath.
You and pasujoba never cease to amaze me. Cracking piece of social history matey
Nice one Ian !
Still kicking myself over not looking inside the cave and seeing the other bits of wreckage .
Fabulous stuff – I also wondered about the crater but it makes more sense that stuff has simply collected there over the years.
amazing ian your images always make a good talking point.brilliant mate.
its so sad to think that a young man lost his life there
Great as always Ian
Sad as ever.
Amazing image Ian and another sad story. Always amazes me the amount of debris left at these sites – you would presume it would have all gone by now ?
When I was Displays Manager with the Mosquito Aircraft Museum many years ago we dug this 13 OTU crash site (which is in Rowantree Park on the hills here), including going down into caves under/near the bell pit holes that surface fragments were gathered in (to protect wandering sheep from snagging on them). From the impact site on the side of the hill we recovered an engine, armour plating, one prop tip and various other fragments. These were taken back to London Colney, Herts but, as I have not been involved with the MAM since 2005, cannot say what the current situation with them is.