Canberra WK129

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Canberra WK129, Cwm Eigiau

This is Cwm Eigiau below Carnedd Llewelyn in north Wales. The tarn is called Ffynnon Llyffant and the wreckage of the crashed Canberra is scattered all about.

It is one of the most beautiful places we’ve been to while visiting wreck sites.

For the story of the crash, please see this photo;

The debris is scattered a long way down the mountain, some parts can be seen in the stream.


Below; Excellent photo of a Canberra on Martin Jordan’s stream.

IWM Duxford 226a

24 comments on “Canberra WK129
  1. nondesigner59 says:

    Fabulous scenery and great photos, as ever..

  2. cgullz says:

    what an absolutely stunning location! mint weather for your hard slog to altitude! love that second shot btw, the colours and comp are fantastic, Paul adds both scale and interest – "what’s he looking at? .. ooh" – and much grateful for the linked pic of the flying Canberra – looks like something that travels at speed and makes sense how it got thrown so far from the impact site.
    really stoked you got out amongst it all, great pix Ian!

  3. P.A.B. says:

    3 gorgeous shots there Ian I think the second is my favourite…

  4. Stezzer says:

    That’s a beauty, almost like a rendered image. Is that snow on the tops ? It’s tragic and fascinating to see these reminders scattered across the countryside. I can’t help but feel drawn to them.

  5. C J Paul (chris) says:

    Looks an amazing place Ian don’t know how you do it .

  6. rob of rochdale says:

    Love the look of that tarn!

  7. SolarScot. says:

    that really is a Bonnie place Ian

  8. andyholmfirth says:

    Stunning conditions and mountain location.Looks good for a wild camp.

  9. mick cooke says:

    brilliant photos ian and great scenery, great work

  10. Keartona says:

    It is beautiful mountainous scenery. Rocky and snowy and very grand in the sunshine.
    I was in Snowdonia yesterday but it was cloudy by the time I got there.

  11. cgullz says:

    [] [] i wouldn’ta believed it, seeing the weather in your pix. pretty cool that you persisted through the rubbish for a great turn out 🙂

  12. Tech Owl says:

    Really crisp detail Ian – nice reflections on the top piece too

  13. Mark McKie says:

    Some stunning shots mate.

  14. amyrey says:

    Superb reflections. Sure is a beautiful place, even if the story is a sad one.

  15. Billy Currie says:

    lovely scenery but as shown, rugged and wild

  16. stopherjones says:

    Certainly is a stunning part of the world, these photos really add perspective to the history you’ve presented, thanks

  17. IANLAYZELLUK says:

    WOW, Superb.

  18. rob the tog says:

    Top work as usual, I’ve wild camped there a few times (just down from the tarn), great base for a day out, not as sheltered as you might think …. hopefully going back up there this week.

  19. het broertje van.. says:



  20. Tomitheos says:

    the rippling water pond is the perfect finishing touch

  21. Through Collette's eyes says:

    Stunning shots – i love the 3rd one down : )

  22. martin.jordan says:

    Absolutely stunning spot.

  23. Highy says:

    Nicely done indeed bud, you got a gorgeous day for it.
    I remember seeing this on Pauls stream but missed this, look forward to seeing it.

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