The Aerostars flying Yakovlev YAK-50s

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The Aerostars flying Yakovlev YAK-50s

More dull photos from Cosford 2012 enhanced by pressing one button on Arcsoft Photo Studio 5.

Think I was using an ND grad filter.

42 comments on “The Aerostars flying Yakovlev YAK-50s
  1. Tech Owl says:

    They do the job for me – good to combine the form of these great aircraft and display with the enhanced colour and background

  2. salfordlad1 says:

    Stunning stuff..Inspirational photography.

  3. nondesigner59 says:

    Excellent images Ian.. Great work, very dramatic. Instant fave.

  4. crusader752 says:

    Very nice – you know which buttons to push Ian…if you will pardon the expression! :-))

  5. *Psycho Delia* says:

    Another wonderful shot

  6. SolarScot. says:

    a blinkin brilliant shot Ian,we had a Hercules fly over last week but i was too slow getting the camera !

  7. mick cooke says:

    thats is a fantastic shot ian great work, and brilliant colour, apleasure to view your work
    take care
    make a great poster

  8. Tomitheos says:

    you captured the essence of the dive

  9. pasujoba says:

    They are not dull Ian . this is far far better than blue sky shots ……just like in the mountains its the clouds that make the good shots possible not clear blue skies!

  10. Gizzardtreedude says:

    Yakety YAK!! This is smokin’ HOT.. not diddly dull!!

  11. cgullz says:

    it’s not just the treatment but the frame of shot, and the fact you got them in frame and in focus. great work Ian.

  12. Keartona says:

    Really strong image.

  13. bill_fawcett says:

    Lovely shot and very nice post processing.

  14. Ian D B says:

    Many thanks everyone.

    This was the original….


  15. janano2010 says:

    My spectacular is your boring then.

  16. Benoit Foisy says:

    I can’t open the original cause it is private, but still, it looks like you’ve touched the right button, Ian. Great picture! Well done!

  17. stuant63 says:

    Really striking and powerful results!

  18. cgullz says:

    oo i like the original too! that wonderfully soft powder blue, super dreamy.

  19. gastephen says:

    nice. like the textures in the smoke trails.

  20. stopherjones says:

    Haven’t come across that software before, but certainly seems to do the trick. I wonder if this one is possibly a bit over-cooked compared to your last one and the two in comments, just around the edges of the planes…just nitpicking…

  21. Ian D B says:

    [] [] []
    Very nice of you all to say so, but the original wasn’t up to scratch really, same with the others. Ben I was too ashamed to show it as a photo worthy of anyone’s attention so kept it small and out of the way! Really the comp could be better too, should have caught the top of the arc for instance, was zoomed in too close.
    It might be Chris, like I say I spent entire seconds working on this, just pressed the one button and uploaded the result. Otherwise it wouldn’t have made it to Flickr. I do feel a bit of a fraud. Had I worked on it to get these results I would have tidied up around the edges more, reduced the contrast somewhat… It is what it is; a fluke.

    [] []
    Thanks chaps!

  22. stopherjones says:

    [] no suggestion of fraudulence here – I’m as guilty as the next man of lazily tarting up a shot to give it more impact – just felt the need to say something beyond "great shot", which seems to be the gist of most of my comments 😉

  23. Ian D B says:

    At least you know the difference between Lundy and the Isles of Sclly. Scilly sod that I am.
    What to say in comments? Yeah, Great shot, lol, try not to but often end up saying that. Still, better than that thing where complete strangers copy and paste the same comment – "Amazing photo" – and you see exactly the same comment on your contacts photos.

  24. rob of rochdale says:


    what a capture!!

  25. Billy Currie says:

    The treatment suits it so well Ian, one of you best I would say, awesome work

  26. Lazenby43 says:

    One button well pressed.

  27. stopherjones says:

    [] aye, and by consequence, anything un-commented is not great at all…

  28. Xerones says:

    Another fine shot.

  29. amyrey says:

    I’m starting to wonder if the seemingly cloudy sky in all these shots is purely discharge from the planes…. Smokey old show wasn’t it. Makes for a decent pic tho.

  30. bazylek100 says:

    Nice and interesting effect of that "one-touch" post-processing. It certainly adds a dramatic feel to the image. I must look for any "magical buttons" in my dated graphics software 🙂 Auto-levels in my Photo-Paint does the job in similar fashion, but usually adds way too much noise (or just makes the noise visible which amounts to the same thing).
    I wonder whether a polarising filter wouldnt’ be useful for taking pictures at the air shows. It could reduce "foggy" effect of fading colours and low contrast. On the other hand, a disadvantage may be longer exposure times needed.

  31. Richard Tierney says:

    Thats a Booby Dazzler Ian… just a flick of the wrist and boom! cracking image :-))))

    Who needs Photoshop and hours of post shoot editing, when you have a magic, one stop one shop button !

  32. michele ciavarella says:

    Ma che meraviglia, Ian. I miei complimenti e un caro saluto!

  33. Mark McKie says:

    Stunning shots mate.

  34. pasujoba says:

    Yeah the post production certainly improved the shot ……seems you have an eye for the computor processing !

  35. Through Collette's eyes says:

    I really like the darkness in this shot Ian, i think it adds drama : )

  36. steiner2009 "AKA Dr Dust " says:

    stunning capture mate , brilliant 🙂

  37. IANLAYZELLUK says:

    Superb Capture.

  38. Jainbow says:

    Wow, what amazing detail in these shots! :~}

  39. Mike Dorey says:

    This is absolutely superb

  40. GregHausM.D. says:

    Not dull at all! I usually don’t take an interest in air shows but this is amazing. The contrast with the clouds is great.

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