Lancaster PA474

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Lancaster PA474

BBC News

Memorial to Bomber Command unvelied today by the Queen to remember the RAF Bomber crews who died during WWII.

23 comments on “Lancaster PA474
  1. Gizzardtreedude says:

    Fantastic, about time too eh Ian?
    Awesome aircraft

  2. nondesigner59 says:

    Fantastic aircraft that does not get enough praise in my opinion. Superb shot and instant fave X 10.

  3. cgullz says:

    o great! can’t wait to read about. at LONG last, my gosh they’ve had to wait along time for decent recognition.
    *London’s Green Park* now on my wish to visit list*

  4. Deputy Don says:

    Definitely time those guys had a memorial. Whether Harris was right or wrong matters little now, what matters is that those 55,000 or more airmen gave their todays for our tomorrows.
    When you go home
    Tell them of us and say
    For your tomorrow
    We gave our today

    Words written to commemorate another sacrifice, but I find the words very appropriate and very stirring.

  5. Richard Tierney says:


    There you go Ang …..

  6. bill_fawcett says:


  7. Mustang Koji says:

    Perhaps this wonderful memorial is belated but because of people like you, those young men will forever be remembered with pride and honor. Thanks, Ian!

  8. PeaceLoveScoobie says:

    Excellent shot Ian. I was watching the events early this morning, very moving. I have to say I was pleased to see the Australians represented. My cousin RAAF Flight Sergeant Ronald Etherton was killed with his crew of 76 Squadron Halifax LL578 over Hamm 8/13/44, he was 22 years old. They’re buried in France’s Choloy War Cemetery. If I ever make it your way some day I hope I get a chance to visit him.

    War Grave Project

    • David Ings says:

      Hi Peacelovescoobie. Came across this article after researching my great uncle RV Ings who was the pilot of the plane that your cousin was on. My relatives have visited the grave site in France a long time ago.

  9. cgullz says:

    [] o gosh, thanks for that Richard. had seen still shots of the view there, but not of the poppy drop. them all saying ‘lest we forget’ on release had a tear to my eye. and the quote from the chaplain fading out at the end of the clip, perfect. very cool.

  10. mick cooke says:

    about time they was reconised, great photo ian

  11. The_Photo_Boy says:

    nice one – great shot!

  12. amyrey says:

    Grand old lady….

    [] the poppy drop was awesome Ang!!

  13. Ian D B says:

    [] [] [] [] []
    [] [] []
    Yes it is long overdue. I am glad there is one, it’s right and proper that they are remembered in this way. Nice that it is in the Jubilee summer too (we will look back on the summer of 2012 for its events or for the rain?)
    [] Thanks for the link to your cousin’s grave. If I am ever in the area I shall visit it myself! Have on occasion found myself searching cemetaries and memorials to get a photograph for a distant relative.
    [] [] [] Check out Rob’s photo below!
    Lest We Forget

    Lest we forget

  14. Kingsdude/Dave says:

    Great shot Ian – and it`s a very fitting memorial for all those who lost their lives to secure our freedom

  15. Mark McKie says:

    Nice shot mate.

  16. gastephen says:

    nice shot Ian

  17. C J Paul (chris) says:

    brilliant my favorite lancester
    Phantom Of The Ruhr

  18. IANLAYZELLUK says:


  19. pasujoba says:

    Brilliant , and about time too !! Next they should be sortiing out the campaign medals !
    There was talk that the BBC were not going to give the event any coverage whatsoever ! glad they have in the end though !

  20. **Hazel** says:

    A wonderful photo Ian and in honour of an awesome monument which is so well deserved and very long overdue!!!!!!!!

  21. f3liney says:

    Nice Lanc’ shot.
    So pleased about the Bomber Command Memorial, but annoyed that it was too late for most of the veteran aircrews. Glad I signed the No10 petition for it a few years back.

  22. petehammond says:

    Nice shot, one of my favorite bombers

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