Over Exposed on Bleaklow – night shoot

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Night Shoot

It was a slightly daunting idea, spending the night amid the wreckage of crashed American B29 "Over Exposed", alone and miles from the nearest other human being.

Over Exposed was a photo reconnaissance Superfortress. It crashed during a routine flight on 3rd November 1948. All 13 men on board were killed.

Pilot; Captain Landon P. Tanner
Co-pilot, Captain Harry Stroud
engineer, Technical Sergeant Ralph Fields
navigator, Sergeant Charles Wilbanks
radio operator, Staff Sergeant Gene A. Gartner
radar operator, David D. Moore
camera crew, Technical Segeant Saul R. Banks,
Sergeant Donald R. Abrogast,
Sergeant Robert I. Doyle
Private First Class William M. Burrows.
Two other crew members were Corporal M. Franssen and Corporal George Ingram.
Acting as photographic advisor was Captain Howard Keel of the 4201st.

18 comments on “Over Exposed on Bleaklow – night shoot
  1. Air Frame Photography says:

    Great shots Ian……great idea…

  2. pasujoba says:

    It looks like something at the bottom of the sea or a moonscape from a film . Very unusual , it certainly brings a different dimension to crash site photography .
    The red sky is very appealing .

  3. rob of rochdale says:

    Really, really good stuff this Ian. That sky looks to be on fire and, as Paul says, it’s like it’s at the bottom of the sea!

  4. Keartona says:

    Very sci-fi, especially with the red sky in the background.

  5. andyholmfirth says:

    This might sound odd but all these shots look like they’ve been taken in the blackness of the sea with just your light penetrating the darkness.

  6. C J Paul (chris) says:

    can’t believe all the debris is left there?

  7. Tech Owl says:

    Again nice shot – love the red tinge in the sky

  8. gastephen says:

    These low-light shots are very interesting – adds an extra dimension!

  9. Mary Liquid says:

    There is such an eerie solemnity to this site, you are a brave man indeed staying there over night on your own. From my selfish point of view your intrepidity was well worth it, these are superb shots.

  10. **Hazel** says:

    Well, your idea certainly worked!

    I agree you are a brave man Ian to spend the night alone in this desolate, sad place but the resulting photos are out of this world!

  11. mick cooke says:

    brilliant,, great photos, as owled says like the red fringe in the sky

  12. redrocker_9 says:

    Brave or crazy? hmmmm, good question…but I do very much like the series!

  13. Reflective Kiwi %-) says:

    Another great shot. Love the red sky too! %-)

  14. Pleasureprinciple2012 says:

    Great way to reflect.

  15. stuant63 says:

    Quite an unusual and chilling atmosphere to these – but marvellous results. Great stuff.

  16. CultOfOne says:

    Outstanding night shots Ian…

  17. sixty8panther says:

    You are invited to display your image in:
    Double Cola Anyone

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