Dunlop tyre of crashed Gloster Javelin FAW 5 XA662

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Gloster Javelin FAW 5 XA662

Gloster Javelin XA662 was abandoned by its crew who parachuted down safely, when pilot Flying Officer Cowper lost control of both jet engines due to mechanical failure.
The jet plummeted to the ground in the Yorkshire Dales on September 29th 1959.
F/O C P Cowper RAF, student pilot
Capt. R Nietz USAF, navigator.

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13 comments on “Dunlop tyre of crashed Gloster Javelin FAW 5 XA662
  1. Air Frame Photography says:

    interesting…..two types of tyres on one aircraft!!

  2. andyholmfirth says:

    Those tyres certainly stand the test of time ! Origional perspective on this one.Like it.

  3. Keartona says:

    A huge amount of debris left. Not seen tyres before in any of your wreck shots…. unless I’ve not been looking hard enough ;D

  4. Tech Owl says:

    Amazing that’s still all there! Nice capture and info Ian
    (and my wife says thanks for the comment!)

  5. pasujoba says:

    Mixing the tyres ..probaly why it crashed 😉
    Nice perspective Ian .
    Its good to be different , the more ways we find to show the crash sites the better. This works very well.

  6. Ian D B says:

    : D

  7. Deputy Don says:

    The same thought occured to me as it did to pasujoba – mixing tyres, tut tut!

  8. het broertje van.. says:

    Brilliant composed Ian!!!


  9. CoolAzerty says:

    very creative, love the compo, brilliant!!!

  10. Gary Shield says:

    Great idea

  11. my name is Ade says:

    unusual. make you think.

  12. Pleasureprinciple2012 says:

    That tyres are there for the next millennium before they eventually bio-degrade!

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