B-29 Superfortress 44-61999 “Over Exposed”

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Crashed in low cloud on Bleaklow near Glossop, England, 3rd November 1948. Routine flight, crew due to return home 3 days later. All 13 crew died.
This plane had taken part in the Berlin Airlift and had photographed nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific.

Pilot; Captain Landon P. Tanner
Co-pilot, Captain Harry Stroud
engineer, Technical Sergeant Ralph Fields
navigator, Sergeant Charles Wilbanks
radio operator, Staff Sergeant Gene A. Gartner
radar operator, Staff Sergeant David D. Moore
camera crew, Technical Sergeant Saul R. Banks,
Sergeant Donald R. Abrogast,
Sergeant Robert I. Doyle
Private First Class William M. Burrows.
Two other crew members were Corporal M. Franssen and Corporal George Ingram.
Acting as photographic advisor was Captain Howard Keel of the 4201st.

4 comments on “B-29 Superfortress 44-61999 “Over Exposed”
  1. rdog730 says:

    Thanks for all your hard work and information. My Dad was Corporal George Ingram
    Larry Ingram

  2. Ian D B says:

    [http://www.flickr.com/photos/83765105@N08] rdog730

    Good to hear from you Larry, thank you very much for taking the time to comment.

  3. Terry D. Moore says:

    I’m Terry David Moore, born Feb. 15, 1946.
    My Father was SSGT David Devere Moore, Radar operator on ” Overexposed ” Tail # 44-61999
    He served all thru WW2 in a B-24 anti-submarine unit, flying from England.
    He was In a B-29 unit in the Pacific late in the war.
    He left the service and rejoined to improve things financially.

    My Brother Tom Moore & myself are the only 2 surviving close relatives.
    The crash occurred on my Brother’s 1st Birthday, awful.
    He was born Nov.3, 1947.
    There is no good day to have your Father die however.
    David Devere Moore is buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
    He is buried in section 12, directly downhill from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

    • Ian D B says:

      Hi Terry, thank you for adding these extra details about your dad, Staff Sgt Moore.

      I note in the narrative above his rank is not provided, I will amend this and check on other pages too to ensure it is included.

      Such a sad loss, and to have gone all through the war to die in a peace time accident, it must have been so hard for your family.

      Regards to you and your brother Tom,


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