RAF Elsham Wolds
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RAF Elsham Wolds
The last remaining hangar from RAF Elsham Wolds, now in the middle of an industrial estate between the Lincolnshire towns of Scunthorpe and Grimsby.
The airbase began life during WWI when it was built to defend against Zeppelin bombers. After 1919 it fell into disrepair but as the next war loomed, it was reactivated and served as a bomber base.
In the photo above the control tower was located just in front of the hangar but this was demolished in the 80’s.
On this Google Earth image you can see this J type hangar and also the old runways bordering the black triangular field to the left of it.

All those wild flowers set the scene beautifully. :~}
Nice one mate.
Time marches on but there’s always some history lurking there and yet again you delved Ian. Nice work and a I particularly like the Poppies that appear in the scene 🙂
It looks worth an explore Ian – what a setting too
great photo ian ,nice colours and a great info
A wonderful field full of beautiful wild flowers, Ian!! As your photo shows the history is still there, not yet taken over by nature!! Hope you are having a lovely weekend !!!:-)
Great bit of history Ian and a cracking shot too !
Very nice mate, you got more poppies and a better sky than me!
Looks like a nice wildflower meadow now.. Great shot.
Many thanks everyone, the wild flowers do add a certain poignancy to the scene.
I should have pointed out, I ripped off the idea for this photo from Al.
If honest mate, I think yours is the better shot with that warm evening sunlight and the focus on the poppies. The original and still the best. Or was that Kellog’s cornflakes…?
Kellogs don’t make them for anyone else!
Thanks for the credit mate,
Reckon the control tower was just past that electricity pole.
Lovely shot and poppies for remembrance too
Beautiful summer scene, agree that the poppies add a real poignancy to the shot and allow you to imagine the scenes that were there when the base was operational
Fascinating stuff. And pretty too.
Beautifully composed image Ian . Looked like you had a nice day for it !
Was this hanger contemporary to WW1 or a new build during WW2 cos itloos similar to those on Malta which will be WW2
really like this shot, have been to visit it three times now .. wanted to save my comment to put an award with it .. will get there!
poppies add a great sense of ‘Europe’ if you know what i mean [we don’t get them wild over here]. very nice colours in the shot: red, white, blue – the colours of many of the Allies flags .. quite apt.
seen in Traces of War
A beautiful airfield shot Ian.
Love the contrast of red, white and blue.
love these old raf stations, spent a long time up at one in Errol between Perth and Dundee
It’s a pity that the control tower has been pulled down. Usually you can always make some use of such old structures.
Paul, this one’s WW2. I believe there were some earlier hangars at Elsham which would have been behind this one, sadly long gone now.
Thanks everyone.
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/pasujoba44] [http://www.flickr.com/photos/highy]
Sorry Paul, never replied to your query but Al has done it better than I could have.
grand stuff Ian,Neal and i ,well mostly Neal ! been digging up some interesting stuff we till tell you soon,have a fab weekend mate
Sounds interesting, I shall keep my eyes peeled!
You have a good un too John, big up to Neal.
Love it.
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/maycontaintracesofnuts] So glad to be of assistance Ian 🙂
Does anyone know the title of a book written by an australian aircrew member about a friendship with a local girl,Barnetby area features in it and elsham aerodrome